Become a Sponsor
There are a few sponsor packages offered to businesses who are looking to sponsor an event happening during the week of August 8th. View sponsorship opportunities.
Parks and Recreation is always looking for people willing to help staff booths and run events and games during the duration of the week.
Show Your Ashwaubenon Pride
Showcase pride for Ashwaubenon's birthday by; changing a sign or billboard to say "Happy Birthday Ashwaubenon", have a select deal or sale in honor of the Sesquicentennial, use the logo in advertising efforts, or post pictures on Facebook recognizing the event (tag Village of Ashwaubenon).
If being a sponsor isn't exactly what you're looking for, simply donating to towards the event is just as important so that it can be enjoyed by many and displayed to the best of our abilities. Any donations can be dropped off at the Ashwaubenon Community Center (900 Anderson Dr).
Contact Information
If your business is interested in being involved with the Sesquicentennial, please contact:
Rex Mehlberg (Parks & Recreation Director): rmehlberg@ashwaubenon.gov
David Roehrig (Program Supervisor): droehrig@ashwaubenon.gov
To submit photos showing your pride for Ashwaubenon, please contact:
Hailey Youngren (Village Multi-Media Communications Specialist): hyoungren@ashwaubenon.gov