Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Privacy Notice


The Village of Ashwaubenon recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of the users of this web site. The Village of Ashwaubenon World Wide Web site is a fundamental communication tool for providing critical and informative Village information and interactive services to its citizens and the world. The goal of the Village of Ashwaubenon web site is to encourage user participation in Village government, to enable electronic service delivery to the public, and to help create a better Ashwaubenon.

Personal/Confidential Information

As you browse through the Village of Ashwaubenon website, certain statistical information is gathered, so that we can work to try to serve you better in the future. We do this with a tool called Google Analytics which uses a first-party cookie and JavaScript code to collect anonymous traffic data. We automatically collect and store only the following information about your visit:

  • The type of browser and operating system used to access our site;
  • The date and time and duration of the visit;
  • The pages you visited;
  • If you linked to our website from another website, and the address of that website;
  • If you reached our website through a search engine and the keyword(s) used;

We use this information to help us make the site more useful to our visitors - to learn about the number of visitors and the types of technology our visitors use. We do not track and record information about individuals and their visits.

If you choose to provide us with personal information - such as in email or by completing other forms, which you submit through our website - we use this information only to respond to your questions or process the forms to complete the requested transactions. There is no legal requirement that a person provide a name. Providing a name gives some measure of credibility to the information submitted and also gives the Village a point of contact if more information is needed. No information is shared with other agencies unless it is required we do so by law. The Village of Ashwaubenon does not collect information for commercial marketing, nor do we sell your information to private companies.

Minor’s Privacy Policy

The Village of Ashwaubenon is concerned about protecting the privacy of children. We encourage parents to be involved in their children's Internet explorations. We specifically ask that children get their parent’s permission before providing any information online - to this or any other site. Most importantly, when children do provide information through the Village of Ashwaubenon web site, it is only used to enable us to respond to the writer.

Additional information can be obtained at the FTC's Consumer Response Center and the Kidz Privacy websites.


The Village of Ashwaubenon website uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol to safeguard your sensitive personal information. Using this widely accepted form of encryption, your transaction is secured from your personal computer to the Village of Ashwaubenon website computer processing your request. The Village of Ashwaubenon website processing computers are located behind a secure firewall.

Copyrighted © 2017 Village of Ashwaubenon. All rights reserved.
