Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

The GIS department manages/creates Village-wide spatial databases, provides departmental training in use of the GIS systems, and provides mapping support for all Village departments and Village leaders.  This helps to create a more efficient and knowledgeable operating government.  Many of the Village’s most basic services rely on accurate and up-to-date land information. It’s been estimated that as much as 90% of the information that municipal government consumes on a day-to-day basis is geographic in nature.  Such as; addresses, parcels, zoning, utilities, roadways, trees, street signs, census data, wards, land use, floodplains, air photos, districts, and much more.  The data is used for decision making for planning and management of Village services including public works, community development, police services, public utilities, parks and recreation, administration, and etc.


Phone: 920.492.2308
Fax: 920.492.2311
Brian Rickert
Director of Public Works brickert@ashwaubenon.gov
Francine Roberg
G.I.S. Coordinator froberg@ashwaubenon.gov
Patti Stackman
Customer Service Representative pstackman@ashwaubenon.gov