Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Annual Dog License

Pursuant to Section 174.052, Wisconsin Statutes, rabies vaccinations and dog licenses are required for all dogs who are 5 months of age or older.

Vaccinations against rabies are required, Section 95.21 (2), Wisconsin Statutes, within 30 days after the dog reaches 5 months of age and shall be repeated within one year after the initial vaccination. In addition, dogs shall be re-vaccinated when their rabies certificate expires. A certificate documenting that the dog’s rabies vaccinations are current shall be presented to the clerk when obtaining an annual dog license. The owner of a dog more than 5 months of age on January 1 or within the licensing year shall obtain an annual dog license. 

The cost of the license for a unneutered/unspayed dog is $10.00 and a neutered/spayed dog is $5.00.

License must be purchased or renewed by March 31 of each year. If purchased or renewed after March 31, there is an additional late charge of $5.00 that needs to be added to the above fees. This does not apply if you are either new to the village or if this is a new pet for you
