Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Knox Box Program

Residential Knox Box

Ashwaubenon Department of Public Safety offers Residential Knox Boxes to all Village of Ashwaubenon residents who feel they are in need or could benefit.  The Knox Residential Box enables residents to securely provide access to house keys for emergency responders.

A Knox Box is a metallic box that is mounted on an exterior door to the residence.  Inside these locked boxes are entry keys that the Ashwaubenon Department of Public Safety can use to access your residence if responding for an emergency.  Ashwaubenon Police, fire and rescue vehicles have a secured key to open the Knox Box.

If you are interested in this service, please use the below link to fill out the application.  Once completed, you can email it to nkozloski@ashwaubenon.gov.  The form is also available at Village Hall using the Public Safety entrance. If you have any questions about this service, please contact the Ashwaubenon Department of Public Safety Fire Inspection office.


Phone: 920.492.2314
Fax: 920.492.2986
John Johnson
Fire Inspector jjohnson@ashwaubenon.gov
Joann Sala
Fire Inspector jsala@ashwaubenon.gov
Thomas Polomis
Fire Inspector tpolomis@ashwaubenon.gov

Business Knox Box

The Village of Ashwaubenon has made changes to the key box requirements for newly constructed and existing structures.

Municipal Code 13-3-78 (S) - Amendments to IFC
(19) The following requirements are in addition to the requirements in IFC section 506.1:

All new buildings will be required to have a key box installed at the time of construction.  All existing buildings must have a key box installed prior to December 31, 2011.  One- and two-family dwellings and multifamily buildings that have no common areas, are exempt from this requirement.  If a building contains multiple occupancies, one key box large enough to contain keys for each occupancy is required.

Location:  The key box shall be mounted five feet from the grade, and within five feet of the main entrance of the building unless the code official approves an alternate location.

Keys:  The key box shall contain building keys and interior keys required by the public safety department.  All keys shall be clearly labeled with regard to their function.
