Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Ethics Board

The Ethics Board consists of five voting members and two alternates. All members of the board shall be residents of the village, full-time employees of a business located in the village or owners of real property located in the village. The members shall not be elected officials, full-time or appointed officials or village employees, and shall not serve on any other village committee or commission. Members are appointed by the village president and subject to confirmation by the village board. Terms of office shall be staggered three years, and alternates serve on the board when one of the citizen members is unavailable. The board shall elect its own chair and vice-chair and meet as needed. The village clerk shall serve as the recording secretary. The powers and duties of the Ethics Board are identified in Municipal Code Sec. 2-233.

Upcoming Meetings


  • Roy Siebert - Term Expires 2025
  • Kathleen Herwaldt - Term Expires 2026
  • Dan Williams - Term Expires 2026
  • Lynn Follett - Term Expires 2027
  • Roger Bohn - Term Expires 2027
  • John Fenner (Alternate) - Term Expires 2025
  • JoAnn Euclide (Alternate) - Term Expires 2026