Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Request an Inspection

Please enter the permit number you would like to request inspection for. (Example P23-XXXXX)

This is a requested date and time, if the requested date and/or time does not work for Building Inspection staff, Village staff will contact you to identify a different date and/or time. TWO BUSINESS DAY NOTIFICATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL INSPECTIONS.

If you schedule an inspection and are not ready for the inspection, or if the inspection fails, you may be subject to re-inspection fees.  Please be ready for inspections when they are scheduled.  If you need to cancel a scheduled inspection, please call (920) 492-2309 or email build@ashwaubenon.gov as soon as possible. Cancelled inspections are not subject to re-inspection fees.

For further questions please contact us at build@ashwaubenon.gov.
