Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Things You Should Know

Changing Room Policy
Children 5 and older are asked to use appropriate changing rooms. We have also have 3 family changing rooms available in the warm water pool.

Parent Watch Policy
Parents are welcome to watch, but with your child’s interest in mind, we ask that you keep interaction with your child to a minimum. Our instructors have found that the quality of instruction has often been affected by parents and/or sibling distraction, interruptions and various other concerns during class time. We also feel it is most beneficial for children to have recreational time with their peers. Our instructors always welcome the opportunity to discuss participant’s progress with parents. Please contact your instructor before or after class with any special concerns.

Refund Policy
If a participant cancels a registration, $5 will be charged for processing with the balance of the activity fee being refunded. Cancellations may occur up to two days before an activity unless there is a registration deadline. NO REFUNDS will be given after an activity has started.

Pool Temperature
Competitive pool is kept at 81 degrees F and the warm water pool is kept at 89 degrees F.

Locker Facilities
The pool offers storage for your belongings while using the pool. There are lockers available in each locker room in that may be locked with a personal lock.

For levels 1-3 we do not recommend goggles because children need to learn to be comfortable in the water without any aids. However, with the upper level classes, goggles are recommended as students are expected to spend significant amount of time doing a variety of skills with their faces in the water. Goggles will help to reduce eye irritation. Please note: Mask type goggles with the nose piece attached are strictly prohibited.
