Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Accessory Buildings

Thinking about building an accessory building sometime soon? An accessory building in the Village of Ashwaubenon is defined as a building where the use of which clearly is subordinate to and incidental to the use of the main building on the same lot. Theses include private garages, open sheds, decks, patios, tool sheds, etc. Please take the time to read through this brochure carefully if you are thinking about building an accessory building.

Accessory Buildings Permit

What Size Accessory Building Can I Build on My Property?

On a lot with less than 15,000 sq. ft., with an attached one or two car garage, the total square footage of the accessory buildings may not exceed 576 sq. ft.

On lots greater than 15,000 sq.ft. but less than 25,000 sq.ft., with an attached one or two-car garage, the total square footage may not exceed 768 sq.ft.

On lots greater than 25,000 sq.ft., the total square footage of the accessory building may not exceed 936 sq.ft.

Where on the Lot Can The Accessory Building Be Placed?

Every accessory building on a lot containing a two (2) car attached garage shall have a rear yard of at least six (6) feet and a side yard of at least six (6) feet, the height can not exceed 15 feet.

Every accessory building on a lot without a two (2) car attached garage shall have a rear yard setback of at least six (6) feet and a side yard of at least four (4) feet, the height can not exceed 15 feet.

An Accessory building may be placed in the same location, provided that in the opinion of the Building Inspector, such setbacks conform with those established in that particular neighborhood.

No one may construct an accessory building in a utility easement.


Parcels Zoned Rural Estate:

Accessory buildings shall be constructed of materials which are substantially similar to those used in the main building with respect to texture, color and general appearance.

No accessory building shall exceed 25 feet in height nor height of main building, measured from the curb or center line of road if no curb exists.

Side walls shall not exceed 10 feet in height.

No door shall exceed 10 feet in height.

Every accessory building shall have a side and rear yard setback of at least 10 feet. It shall be noted that corner lots have 2 front yards.

Accessory buildings must be located in the rear yard and shall occupy not more than 35 percent of said yard, except for required private garage, which may be located in the side yard.

How Tall Can I Build My Accessory Building?

The maximum height of an accessory building shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet.

Securing Accessory Building

The accessory building needs to be fastened in place to prevent displacements due to wind loads.

Concrete Concerns

Any additional concrete work adjacent to the accessory building shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Inspection Department prior to installation.
