Current Major Construction

Lombardi Access Road Reconstruction and Brookwood Drive Improvements (Argonne Street to Marlee Lane)

The reconstruction of the Lombardi Access Road will include a 27-foot wide asphalt travel surface, 24-inch wide curb & gutter on both sides, an 8-foot wide sidewalk along the southside of the roadway and storm sewer replacement. Also included in this project is the installation of a 5-foot wide sidewalk along the north side of Brookwood Drive from Argonne Street to the east side of Marlee Lane. Pedestrian crosswalks will be included across Argonne Street, Lombardi Access Road and Marlee Lane. 

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Timber Lane Culvert Replacement Project (Between Ken Dr and Oak Crest Dr)

The project replaces the large, corrugated metal arch culvert pipe that is located between Ken Dr. and Oak Crest Dr. with a new horizontal elliptical reinforced concrete pipe. To complete this work, sanitary sewer main, storm sewer main, and water main work will be completed as some portions are in conflict with the culvert installation.

STH 172 Resurfacing and Box Culvert Replacement

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is conducting a resurfacing-level improvement on 2.3 miles of WIS 172 between WIS 54 and the Airport. The purpose of the project is to improve the deteriorating pavement and replace a box culvert on WIS 172 to extend the roadway's service life and upgrade other roadway deficiencies. 

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