Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Decks, Fences & Pools


State codes have changed for deck construction – please refer to the link below:

Note: the deck framing plan needs to be completed for the building permit.

Deck Permit


A fence is defined as an enclosing barrier consisting of vegetation, wood, stone, metal or other material.  the term “fence” shall be constructed to include planting, such as hedges, but not guardrails.
All fences shall have their decorative side facing their neighbors or the street.  All fences shall be maintained in good working order and kept in good repair.  this provision shall apply to existing fences.  Chain-link fence is permitted.  No fence shall have sharp or pointed pickets dangerous to life or limb.  Hedges and other plantings shall be continuously trimmed and all parts thereof confined to the property on which planted.  Picket fences must have a 1/2 “ minimum flat top on the picket.
Perimeter fences can not exceed six (6) feet in height on the rear of the lot.  It can not exceed six (6) feet in height on the side lot line from the rear of the lot to the front setback line.  The maximum height for fences within the setback is three (3) feet.

Fence Permit


A building permit is required for installation of an in-ground and above-ground pool.  Pools shall be located so that there is a ten (10) foot minimum distance from your lot’s side-yard and rear-yard lot line.  The measurement is made from the water’s edge to the lot line.
In-ground pools must be completely enclosed by a fence not less than fifty (50) inches in height, of sufficient strength to prevent access to the pool.  Gates or doors in fences shall be closed and secured when the pool is not in use.
Above-ground pools with stationary ladders, stairs or ramps shall also be fenced in the same manner as in-ground pools.  Above-ground pools with removable ladders are not required to be fenced as long as access to the pool is prevented, or height of the pool is over fifty (50) inches, and ladders are removed when pool is not in use.

Pool Permit
