- Departments
- Community Development
- Comprehensive Plan Update
Comprehensive Plan Update
The Village of Ashwaubenon is beginning the process to update the Comprehensive Plan for the Village. The plan was last updated in 2016, and under state law, must be updated at least every 10 years. A comprehensive plan sets out goals, objectives, policies, and recommendations for the growth and development of the Village over the next 20 years. Ashwaubenon residents and businesses are invited to provide their thoughts by participating in the in-person visioning session on February 19th at 4:30 p.m. in the Grand Park Room at the Ashwaubenon Community Center. The visioning session will include facilitated small group discussions to identify participants’ priorities for the Village. Alternatively, Ashwaubenon residents and businesses may provide input through the following link to an online map and comment form.
Any questions regarding the comprehensive plan or public input opportunities may be directed to Aaron Schuette, Ashwaubenon Community Development Director at aschuette@ashwaubenon.gov or (920) 593-4405.
Comprehensive Planning Introduction PowerPoint
Chapter 1 Issues & Opportunities
Chapter 4 Economic Development