Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Weights & Measures

Wisconsin Statutes require the Village of Ashwaubenon to provide a Weights and Measures inspection program.  The Village does contract with the City of Appleton to provide these services in conjunction with our neighboring communities for service to businesses and consumers.  A locally-based regular inspection program has been of benefit to both our consumers and business community since 2003.

Municipalities collect fees to recover the cost of providing these programs.  The Village of Ashwaubenon has implemented a Weights & Measures fee and licensing system, which was effective beginning in January 2004.  This fee system is based on a model fee schedule which the majority of other Wisconsin municipalities with weights and measures programs utilize.  Businesses will be charged for each weighing and measuring device and retail price scanner within their business on an annual basis.  The Village's contracted inspector will inspect and test these systems on a regular basis throughout the year.  The businesses are required to notify the Village of Ashwaubenon Treasurer of any change to their weighing or measuring device as it may occur.  If they do not do so, there is a penalty for non-registration that is triple (3x) the device fee. If you have any questions relative to the weights and measures program, contact the Finance department at (920) 492.2320.
