Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

GIS Apps

Here are some of the latest GIS Apps published by the Village of Ashwaubenon and Brown County LIO:

Pavement Ratings & 5 Year Paving Plan

This app shows a preliminary listing of streets that will be repaved over the next five years and latest pavement ratings. Please advance through the slides to view the preliminary listing and locations for each year. 
*This App is best viewed on large screen

Sign Zoning App

The Sign Zoning App is a GIS mapping application for viewing Village of Ashwaubenon sign zoning classifications and other pertinent information as related to sign zoning. The app also provides various tools to interaction with each layer (search/query, measure, select and more).

Ashwaubenon Village Wide Rummage Sale

The 2024 Ashwaubenon Village-Wide Rummage Sale will be held rain or shine on Friday, April 26 & Saturday, April 27 from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. each day. Please refer to sale descriptions for more information. Happy Rummaging! 

Sanitary Sewer Maintenance App

This app shows the current sanitary sewer jetting/maintenance area in the Village, as well as the past 10 years.

Water Valve Maintenance Program App

This app shows the current water valve maintenance area in the Village, as well as the past 10 years.

Capital Projects App

Capital Improvement Plan funding supports projects such as the construction, replacement, renovation, or purchase of Village assets, as well as related programs and services, that are useful to the community. 

Use this as an interactive tool to find information about capital projects and programs that matter to you.

Sidewalk & Pathway Winter Maintenance

Sidewalk Maintenance App

A tool to quickly find the winter maintenance responsibility for sidewalks and pathways.

Garbage/Recycle Route App

A tool to quickly located what your garbage and recycle routes are.

Parcel Zoning App

Zoning App Icon

The Parcel Zoning App is a GIS mapping application for viewing Village of Ashwaubenon parcel zoning classifications and other pertinent information as related to parcel zoning. It contains the most frequently-used map layers regarding zoning (planned unit developments, zoning overlays, TIF districts, & more) and also provides various tools to interaction with each layer (search/query, measure, select and more.)

BrownDog GIS Map

BrownDog App Icon

BrownDog is a GIS mapping application for Brown County Wisconsin. It contains the most frequently-used map layers with tools allowing interaction with each (search/query, measure, select, overlay/swipe, and more).

Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) District Viewer

TIF App Image

The Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) District Viewer is a GIS mapping application to view Ashwaubenon TIF districts and other relevant information. It also provides various tools to interaction with each layer (search/query, measure, select and more.)

Residency Check Tool for Emergency Personnel

Tool to aid those Village of Ashwaubenon employees that have been designated as "Emergency Response" to determine if a potential residence is located within 15 miles of the Village of Ashwaubenon boundary.

Ashwaubenon Public Notification App

Tool to create mailing labels and lists for parcel land owners (property owner mailings.)

Fall Leaf Collection: Areas & Pickup Status

This Web App will show you where the leaf collection crews currently are, what area is anticipated to be picked up next, and how many times each area has already been picked up. 

School District Locator App

A tool to quickly locate what school district a property is located in.

Ashwaubenon Wards & Polling Places

The Village of Ashwaubenon underwent redistricting of its wards in the spring of 2022. Redistricting occurs every 10 yrs and is necessary to maintain equal representation of all citizens. The following app will aid you in finding your ward and polling place.
