Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Brush Collection

The Village of Ashwaubenon Public Works Department completes brush collection on an as needed basis and as workload allows. The collection progresses using GIS Mapping in the most efficient route of travel based on pick-up locations. Generally, the cycle of collection in the Village takes a 4-week timeframe.  The curbside brush collection is meant for trimmings and not full-scale tree removals. By everyone following this guidance, we will be able to provide curbside brush collection in a timely manner for all residents.

Brush Collection Request

To request brush collection service, please submit your request through ashwaubenon.gov/brush, where our maintenance crews work on a 4-week or shorter cycle to help maintain the tidiness of your property.

Brush Collection Guidelines

In order for the Village to provide timely and efficient collection of brush, a number of guidelines and illustrations are provided below to help property owners correctly place brush for this service:

  • Brush collection is meant for residential tree/brush trimming completed by Village residents. If a contractor is hired to complete tree/brush removal, the contractor must cut, chip, remove and dispose of all material. Please contact Brown County Port & Resource Recovery at 920.492.4950 for details of the program.
  • Maximum Overall Pile Size 10 Cubic Yards (15’X6’X3’) / Mid-Size Sedan
  • Charges 11-20 Cubic Yards $200, 21-30 Cubic Yards $500
  • 31 Cubic Yards or more will not be collected
  • Cut Ends towards the roadway
  • Piles need to be orderly (See photos on website)
  • No grass clippings, garden waste, or leaves mixed in
  • No contractor-generated waste
  • No Maximum Diameter or Length
  • Accept Stumps/Roots Balls/Large Trunk Sections
  • Trunks/Large Chunks (>8”) need to be separated from branches
  • Do not place brush in the roadway, curbline, ditches or on sidewalks. Keep all brush away from fire hydrants, electrical poles, low-hanging wires, fences, mailboxes or other objects in the yard. 

Brush set out to the street that is not following the above guidelines will not be collected by the Village as part of its brush collection program and will be subject to enforcement action under Municipal Code Section 18-2-33.

Guidelines may be modified following a storm event

Brush Collection Reminders

A friendly reminder regarding residential curbside brush collection:
With respect to the volume of brush put out to the curb, any resident completing some tree trimming or removal themselves can put those trimmings out for pick-up. If a resident hires a contractor to complete large scale trimming or tree removals, the limbs, logs and associated trimmings are to be taken away by that contractor. This is especially important to note as we head into a period of time where Emerald Ash Borer impacts trees and there will be numerous tree removals in the coming years. The curbside brush pick-up is meant for trimmings and not full-scale tree removals. By everyone following this guidance, we will be able to provide curbside brush pick-up in a timely manner for all residents.
When bringing brush out to the curb, please place the limbs with the cut section facing the street and all limbs facing the same direction. Again, this allows us to remove your branches quicker and allows us to service more residents through the course of a day.
Thank you very much for your help as by following these couple reminders, it’ll help us get your brush removed quicker. As always, please visit the Village of Ashwaubenon website if you have any questions or call us at 920.492.2310.

Examples of Unacceptable Brush Plies For Village Collection

Examples of Acceptable Brush Piles For Village Collection

Village Yard Waste Site

The Village yard waste site located behind the Public Works Garage on Collaer Court.  Collaer Court can be accessed off of Cormier Road.  The site is open 24/7 year round. Residents are welcome to drop-off yard and garden waste as well at this location. 

Items that can be dropped off include: branches, sod, logs, leaves, shrubs, corn stalks, grass clippings, garden waste, bales of hay. Any other items dumped here are subject to a fine. 

Yard Waste Site
