Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

2024 Fall Leaf Collection

The Village of Ashwaubenon Public Works Department began its fall curbside leaf collection on Monday, October 7, 2024 with a pair of trucks outrigged with leaf vacuums. The full fleet of trucks outrigged with leaf vacuums will be in operation starting the week of October 21.

Village residents can now begin raking leaves and placing them in piles in the terrace area (area behind the curb or roadway shoulder) of your property. The Public Works Department asks that the leaves are kept separate of all brush piles set out for collection. Please pile the loose leaves in an open area of the terrace away from trees, mailboxes and other obstructions to assist with the efficiency of the collection process.

Weather permitting, leaf collection will continue until Wednesday, November 27, 2024.

Leaf Collection Status

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A Few Friendly Reminders During Fall Leaf Pick-up

  • Please do not to rake leaves out into the street as this increases pollution of the storm water and can cause flooding by blocking the road catch basin drains.
  • Please do not bag your leaves or mix leaves with limbs/brush. Leaves cannot be collected when in these conditions.
  • To keep the leaf collection process as efficient as possible, the Village continues a north to south route through the Village and repeats this route through the collection season. Special pick-ups are not made for leaf pick-up so please keep this in mind as we progress through the season. Check back to this page for location updates on the collection process.
  • The yard waste disposal site located behind the Village Garage (take Collaer Court off of Cormier Road, just east of Holmgren Way) is open during this time should you have any leaves, yard waste or limbs you wish to dispose of on your own.

Green Alternative: Leave 'em Lay

As an alternative to raking leaves to the curb, residents are encouraged to try chopping up moderate amounts of leaves with a lawnmower. This can be done during normal lawn mowing. Just don’t allow the leaves to mat and make sure that ample grass shows through them. This will save you work and time, add nutrients to your lawn, reduce windblown leaves in your neighborhood, and reduce the amount of labor and fuel the Village needs to use for leaf collection. If you really like to rake, composting your leaves in a backyard garden is another alternative that will provide you useful organic material next year.
