Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Curbside Large Item Collection

The Village of Ashwaubenon Public Works Department completes large item collection the third full week of the months April through September. The collection progresses using GIS Mapping in the most efficient route of travel based on pick-up locations. By everyone following this guidance, we will be able to provide large item collection in a timely manner for all residents.

Large Item Pickup Guidelines

In order for the Village to provide timely and efficient collection of large items, a number of guidelines are provided below to help property owners correctly place large items for this service:

  • Collection will occur the third full week of the following months April thru September
  • Pickup requests must be submitted to the Village by the Thursday prior to the collection week
  • All Waste must be placed to the curb on Monday and will be picked up throughout the week (Village will not return to pick-up items that were not put to the curb Monday at 6am)
  • Maximum Size 10 Cubic Yards (15’X6’X3’) / Mid-Size Sedan
  • Charges 11-20 Cubic Yards $200, 21-30 Cubic Yards $500
  • 31 Cubic Yards or more will not be collected
  • Recyclable Items will not be accepted
  • No Multi Family Residences (5 or more units)
  • Only Large items such items as furniture, carpeting, tables, building debris, etc. will be collected
  • Items within question will be reviewed by the Operations Supervisor and determined if it meets criteria as a large item
  • Appliances such as washers, dryers, stoves, dishwashers, water heaters can be picked up as well
  • Appliances such as televisions, refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners, full length basketball poles, wood or metal beams 6” in diameter or greater will NOT be picked up by the Village

2025 Public Works Garbage/Recycling Schedule

Approved Items for Pick-Up

Large Items set out to the street that are not following the above guidelines will not be collected by the Village as part of its large item collection program and will be subject to enforcement action under Municipal Code.

Guidelines may be modified following a storm event
