Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Engineering / Construction

The Engineering Department is responsible for administering all municipal construction projects, maintaining a current geographic information system (GIS), administering all right-of-way permits and providing engineering services to all other departments as necessary.


Phone: 920.492.2308
Fax: 920.492.2311
Brian Rickert
Director of Public Works brickert@ashwaubenon.gov
Steve Birr
Village Engineer sbirr@ashwaubenon.gov
Francine Roberg
G.I.S. Coordinator froberg@ashwaubenon.gov
Matthew Smith
Engineering Technician msmith@ashwaubenon.gov
Patti Stackman
Customer Service Representative pstackman@ashwaubenon.gov