Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Instructions for Pleas

You have a right to enter a plea of either GUILTY, NOT GUILTY and/or NO CONTEST to the charge against you.

If you plead NO CONTEST, you will have the opportunity to speak to the Judge. If you were cited for a violation that occurred due to an accident, you may be sued in a civil action. Due to the fact that you plead NO CONTEST in this court, it may not be used against you in any court of law.

If you plead GUILTY, that is what is called an admission against interest which can, and may be used against you in a civil action.

If you plead NOT GUILTY, you will be scheduled for a pretrial conference with the Ashwaubenon Prosecuting Attorney. If the case cannot be disposed of after this pretrial conference, then a trial will be scheduled and held in this court. Please note that you may make your plea of NOT GUILTY before your court date either by mail or in person at the Municipal Court offices located at 2155 Holmgren Way, Ashwaubenon, Wisconsin and/or email your NOT GUILTY plea to us at: court@ashwaubenon.gov

Please note: If you make a "not guilty" plea prior to your initial appearance date, the court will enter your plea for you. You do not need to appear at that initial appearance court date listed on your citation. Within a few days after your initial court appearance date, you will be mailed a pretrial notice. You must appear at the pretrial on the date and time listed on your Pretrial Notice. If you fail to show at this pretrial conference, you will automatically be found guilty by default.

If you email your plea of not guilty to Municipal Court, we ALWAYS send a response to you confirming that the court has received your plea.
