State Debt Collection (SDC)

The State of Wisconsin has developed a second debt program designed to assist agencies in collection of money owed to them. Ashwaubenon Municipal Court began participating in this program in March, 2017.

Ashwaubenon Municipal Court uses the SDC program for older debts, debts that are considered uncollectable in TRIP, and/or debt that remains after the driver's license suspension time has run (1 year). If you were a juvenile at the time a citation was issued, we can send your unpaid debt to SDC once you reach the age of 18 years of age. It is a more aggressive debt collection program than TRIP.

A delinquent collection fee of 15% of the unpaid balance or $35.00, whichever is greater, will be added to your account. Collection action may include one or all for the following, some of which will result in additional fees being added to your account:

  • Interception of your Wisconsin Tax Refunds;
  • Attachment of wages or other compensation being paid to you;
  • Garnishment, seizure or levy against your property, including bank accounts and IRAs; and Filing a delinquent tax warrant with the Clerk of Courts in the county in which you reside and/or property. This warrant will act as judgment and lien on any real and personal property that you own and may affect your credit rating.

SDC program will collect monies on the unpaid fine on our behalf until its paid in full.

Also, once we send you to the SDC program, we cannot collect any monies and/or put you on a payment plan for unpaid fines. All payments and/or payment plans must be arranged with State of Wisconsin-SDC program. You can call SDC at 608.264.0345 to make payment arrangements.

HOW DO YOU KNOW IF WE ARE SENDING YOUR DEBT TO THE SDC/TRIP PROGRAM: The language of the NOTICE OF INTENT TO CERTIFY DEBT PURSUANT TO WI STATE STATUTE 71.935 is on the following notices/letters: default letter, suspension of driver's license letter, and the Non-Compliance Summons/Judgment. PLEASE NOTE, if you fail to pay your fine, we will refer your debt to the Department of Revenue for collection action to one of these programs. 
