Storm Water Utility

Storm Water Management in the Village of Ashwaubenon is managed by the Ashwaubenon Storm Water Utility.  Monies received from the Storm Water Utility fees are used for WDNR General Permit Compliance, on-site storm water management review and implementation, erosion control review and implementation, and overall water quality enhancement of Ashwaubenon Creek, Dutchmans Creek, Duck Creek and the Fox River.

Storm water management also includes fall leaf pick-up, street sweeping, wood chipping, and storm sewer maintenance activities.  The Ashwaubenon Public Works Department staff is heavily involved in completing these tasks.

If you have any comments or questions regarding Storm Water Management in the Village of Ashwaubenon or in regards to any of the quick links provided here, please contact Village Engineer Steve Birr. You can also send questions/comments at the “Notify the Village” link located in the above ribbon. Thank you.


Phone: 920.492.2308
Fax: 920.492.2311
Steve Birr
Village Engineer
Angie May
Billing & Utility Clerk