General Permit Information

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as mandated by Congress under the Clean Water Act, developed a program to address urban sources of stormwater pollution. Passed down to each state to enforce, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) enacted a program called the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES). Under the WPDES program, the Village of Ashwaubenon was required to obtain a stormwater discharge permit since stormwater runoff ultimately is discharged into waters of the state from the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), via ditches and storm sewer outfalls.

The Village of Ashwaubenon received a General Permit to discharge storm water (WI-S050075-2) effective May 1, 2014 that specifies permit requirements. As part of meeting the mandated WDNR requirements, the Village of Ashwaubenon has developed a stormwater management plan that addresses these permit requirements. Each of the following permit conditions needs to be implemented:

Public Education and Outreach – actively promoting awareness of stormwater impacts on streams and wetlands.

Public Involvement and Participation – encouraging input and participation from the public on stormwater management issues.

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination
– the discharge of pollutants (sanitary waste, oils, chemicals, etc.) into the stormwater drainage system is undesirable and illegal. Evidence of such will be properly documented and eliminated.  The Village of Ashwaubenon has enacted an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Ordinance to actively prevent such discharges. 

Construction Site Pollution Control
– the Village of Ashwaubenon has enacted an Erosion Control Ordinance to actively prevent erosion potential and regulate construction sites.

Post-Construction Site Stormwater Management
– the Village of Ashwaubenon has enacted a Post-Construction Stormwater Management Ordinance to actively ensure proper stormwater management techniques are installed on construction sites for future years.

Pollution Prevention
– the Village of Ashwaubenon is continually monitoring and maintaining its own facilities and how they are affected by stormwater to ensure compliance with local regulations.

Stormwater Quality Management
– the Village of Ashwaubenon shall maintain compliance with Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 151.13(2)(b)1.  A 20% reduction in total suspended solids (TSS) discharging from the MS4 shall be maintained.  Meeting the Fox River Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) standards also apply. Meeting these requirements will entail construction of additional stormwater management facilities.

Storm Sewer System Map
 – the storm drainage system is comprised of storm sewers, ditches and culverts and has been inventoried and mapped. Drainage basins associated with each storm drainage system are delineated and
referenced to each systems outfall.

Annual Report
 – the WDNR requires an annual report to monitor the status of permitted responsibilities being undertaken by the Village of Ashwaubenon.

Cooperation - The Village of Ashwaubenon agrees to work with neighboring communities to meet conditions of the General Permit.

Compliance Schedule - The Village of Ashwaubenon continues to stay up to date on the General Permit compliance schedule.

Implementation and continuous monitoring of stormwater management features within the Village of Ashwaubenon will allow the Village of Ashwaubenon to meet all stormwater permit requirements and reach the goal of cleaner streams, rivers, wetlands and groundwater.
