Special Large Item Collection:  There will be a special large item collection taking place the week of March 31st! No request form is needed for this collection.  Read More...

Water & Sewer Lateral Responsibility

The Ashwaubenon Water & Sewer Utility will occasionally receive calls asking where the line of responsibility is drawn in terms of repairs to water service laterals and sewer service laterals.  We have put together a diagram to help should the question ever arise for you.  As always, feel free to contact the Ashwaubenon Water & Sewer Utility if we could be of any further assistance. We can be reached at 920.492.2335 or afarvour@ashwaubenon.gov.

Water Service Laterals
If the water service lateral between your home/business and the
property line begins to leak or breaks due to aging or the natural effects of seasonal changes, the responsibility for the repairs to the lateral lies with the home or business owner.  If the leak or break occurs between the property line and the water main, the responsibility for the repairs to the lateral lies with the utility.

Sewer Service Laterals
If the sewer service lateral between your home/business and the 
property line clogs, leaks, or breaks the responsibility for the repairs to the lateral lies with the home or business owner.  If the clog, leak, or break occurs between the property line and the sewer main, the responsibility for the repairs to the lateral lies with the utility.
